Month: September 2020

Paper published in 1st International Workshop on Edge Migration and Architecture (EdgeWays 2020)

Abstract: The rise of Big Data, Internet of Multimedia Things (IoMT),and Deep Neural Network (DNN) enabled the growth of DNN-basedComputer Vision solutions to Multimedia Event Processing (MEP) applications. When these are applied to a real-world scenario we notice theimportance of having a system with a satisfactory speed that can fit inthe limited resources of most…
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September 19, 2020 0

Paper accepted in CSSA workshop @ CIKM 2020

Muhammad Jaleed Khan, Edward Curry, “Neuro-symbolic Visual Reasoning for Multimedia Event Processing: Overview, Prospects and Challenges”, Combining Symbolic and Sub-symbolic Methods and their Applications (CSSA), 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Oct. 2020, Galway, Ireland.

September 10, 2020 0